KMS-Subject137 Library Project

The KMC-Subset137 Library implements the protocol described in “ERTMS/ECTS; On-line Key Management FFFIS” UNISIG SUBSET-137 ver1.0.0.
It covers the on-line distribution of cryptographic keys among the Key Management Centres authoritative in their respective domains. It also deals with the exchange between a Key Management Centre and its own domain KMAC entities.
The library provides a simple C language application programming interface (API) to access and parse UNISIG SUBSET-137 messages and is licensed under both open source and commercial versions.
General architecture of KMS

Picture from UNISIG “Subset-137 On-line Key Management FFFIS v1.0.0”

Community-based Support
Through our public mailing lists.

Commercial Support
Via Project & Issue Management System after License subscription.
The library is distributed under both open source and commercial licenses.